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30 Motivational Stories To Push You Forward In Life

   These motivational stories will encourage you to follow your dreams, treat others with kindness, and never give up on yourself. Find the power  to   change the way you think  an d your life. 1. Laziness won’t get you anywhere “In ancient times, a king had his men place a boulder on a roadway. He then hid in the bushes, and watched to see if anyone would move the boulder out of the way. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers passed by and simply walked around it. Many people blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none of them did anything about getting the stone removed. One day, a peasant came along carrying vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to push the stone out of the way. After much pushing and straining, he finally managed. After the peasant went back to pick up his vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and note from the King

Young Man Lost Opportunity

It’s a story of young man who wanted to marry beautiful daughter of farmer. He went to father to ask for permission to marry his daughter. Farmer looked at him and said, “I will allow you to marry my daughter but you have to full fill one condition.” Further he continued and told him condition, “Son go out and stand out in field. A am going to release three bulls one at a time and you have to grab tail of any of three bulls. if you can catch tail of any one of three bulls then you can marry my daughter.” Young man went to field and stood there waiting for bulls to be released. The barn door opened and came out one of the biggest bull he had ever seen. So he decided to let this one go and wait for second bull. So he went over to side and let bull pass through. Again next time barn opened for second bull. This one was bigger and even more fierece than previous bull. This time again boy thought that may be next one could be better choice so he ran to side and let bull pass thr

Who is Wealthy

Once a saint visited a town for some days. During his stay the saint would pray silently sitting under a tree. People got to know about him and would come to visit him to ask for solutions for their problems. In that town lived a very wealthy merchant. After observing the saint for a few days, was deeply touched by the saint's devotion and sincerity. One day a wealthy man went to a saint and offered him a bag of gold saying, “I know you will use this money for the good of others.. Please accept it..” Saint replied, “Please wait a moment. I am not sure if it would be right for me to take your money….” Saint questioned, “Are you wealthy?? Do you have more money at home??” Merchant proudly replied, “Yes.. I have thousands of more gold coins at home..” Saint again questioned, “Do you want thousands of more gold coins??” Merchant replied, “Why not.. I work hard everyday to earn more money..” Saint questioned, “Do you wish for yet thousands more gold pieces beyond that..?” Merchant repli

Shark in the Tank - Never Give Up

For research some marine biologist started to do an experiment. For this they place a Shark into large tank and then released several small fishes in the same tank. As shark and fished were left in tank after sometime shark swam around and attacked around and ate all the small fishes. Now, next time biologist inserted a strong piece of clear fiber glass in middle of tank creating to separate partitions one for small fishes and other for shark alone. Now again as sharks and fishes were left, shark started to attack but this time shark slammed into the fiber glass inserted in the tank. However the shark kept repeating this behavior again and again. Meanwhile all the small fishes used to swam around it unharmed behind the fiber glass. Eventually after some hour shark gave up and stopped attacking. Same experiment was repeated for several days. Biologist noticed change in behavior of shark. Now, shark was less aggressive and made lesser attempt to attack small fishes. With time shark simpl

Three Rich Man and Their Kindness

Once upon a time there was a village which was facing great poverty. One day three rich men and their servants were traveling on the same road, on their way they came to this poor village. Seeing the poverty of village all the three men thought of helping the people of village. The first man couldn’t see their poverty so he took all the gold and silver from his wagons and shared them among villagers. He wished them all the best and left. Second rich man seeing poverty and condition of village decided to help them. So he gave away all his food and drink as he thought that money couldn’t be of much use to them. He made sure that each one in village get fair share and get enough food that would last for time. Then he left. Third rich man, after seeing the poverty of villagers speed-ed up and traveled straight through the village without stopping. Other two rich men saw this from distance and commented with each other that how third rich man lacked decency and compassion and it was good th

Story of Two Pebbles

Many years ago there was a small village, there a farmer was owing a large some of money to village moneylender. Due to misfortune farmer was unable to pay the amount. Moneylender always fancied farmers daughter so he purposed a bargain. He said he would forget farmer’s debt if he could marry farmer’s daughter. Both farmer and his daughter were horrified by this proposal. So, Moneylender suggested a way to decide the matter. He suggested that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag and then girl have to pick one pebble from the bag. Condition set was – If she picked black pebble the she would become moneylender’s wife and farmer’s debt would be forgiven and If she pick white pebble then she doesn’t need to marry moneylender and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. She wasn’t left with option to refuse to pick a pebble as if she does so, then her father would be thrown into jail. On the day of decision all were standing on a pebble strewn path. As mo

God’s Reply to Lazy Farmer Story

Once in a village, it was raining whole night. Roads in that village were muddy and there were pot holes in the way and due to rain they were filled to brim. Next day, Manu ( the farmer ) had to go to market early to sell his goods. For horses it was really difficult to drag load on the deep muddy way to reach market. Suddenly the wheel of the cart got stuck in the mud. The more he pulled horse, deeper the wheel sank. Farmer came down from the seat and stand behind his cart. He looked around but couldn’t find anyone to help him. He didn’t made the slightest effort to lift up the cart and get wheel out of mud. Instead cursing his bad luck, he felt sad and defeated. Looking up at the sky, he started shouting at God, “I am so unlucky! Why has this happened to me? Oh God, come down to help me.” After a while, God finally appeared before him and asked him, “Do you think you can move the cart by simply looking at it and whining about it? Nobody will help you unless you make some effort to he

Grasshopper And Ants Story

One sunny day in winter, a Grasshopper was enjoying the warm sunlight but he was feeling very hungry. So, he was looking around to find something to eat but he could find anything to eat. Suddenly he saw ants carrying their food to their hole. After seeing this for a while he went up to the ants and asked, “Can you give me some grains as i am very hungry and haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.” One of the ants said, “We worked whole summer to collect the food for winter. What were you doing whole summer? Why didn’t you store up food for winters?” Grasshopper replied, “I spent all summer singing and hooping so i couldn’t store anything.” Then ant chucked out a smile and remarked, “then dance the winter away.” Grasshopper went away hungry and sad. Moral: Work is Worship. We should work hard for better future.

Mother’s Love for Her Son

There was a Kid who lived with his mother. Kid used to hate her mother because she had only one eye. He used to feel embarrassed. Mother used to work as a cook to support the family and his kid's studies. One day mother went to kid school to meet him but the kid was so embarrassed. He thought to himself, “How could she do this to me?”. He ignored her and ran out. Next day a boy from kids class commented to him, “EEE, your mother has only one eye!!” Kid was so embarrassed that he wanted his mother to disappear. That day after reaching home confronted his mother and said, “Because of you people make fun of me. Why don’t you die?” Even after listening to this his mother didn’t respond. All his childhood kid just thought of getting out of that house anyhow. So, he studied hard and got a job abroad. There he got married, had kids and  all the comforts and was very happy with his life away from his mother. One day his mother came to visit him. She hadn’t seen him since he lef

The Fat Lady Story

Story of a guy who met a very healthy woman in flight. Squeezing herself into the seat she smiled and said, “Hi, how are you? Not in the mood to talk to any stranger he ignored. The Woman repeated her greeting in a friendly voice, leaning toward the guy forcing him to look at her. Guy replied with, “Hi.” with the intention of avoiding further talk. Guy turned away and stared out of the cabin. Again the woman nudged and said, “My name is Laura. I am from Britain. Where are you from?” “Malaysia” ,Guy replied rudely. She continued to chat, “Please accept my heartfelt apology. I am sorry. This is gonna be a long flight so we should be friends, Don’t you think?” Ignoring the unfriendly behavior of the guy. She started to talk about her trip and how excited she was about the trip. Her such liveliness made the guy lower his guards. With passing time he realized that she was charming and made everyone smile around her. During conversation, She managed to make every crew member laug

Saint Solution to Man

A person had to go a round a river to reach his home. it was trouble some for him to go through long way. The flow of river was to much to swim through it and man was scared to swim through it. So, he went to a Saint and told him about this situation. The saint gave him a paper and told him to keep it in pocket while crossing the river and he will not Sink in the river but remember not to open that paper. Man understood that and did that. To his surprise he could pass river without sinking in it. Now, it was easier for him to reach home. One day man decided to see what’s there in the paper so before going into river he opened that paper it was written, “In The Name of God”. Reading this man realized this was just ordinary piece of paper and simple sentence written on it. After reading it he went in to river but this time he got carried away with the flow of river. This happened because before reading it he believed that there is some power helping him but as he read it he t

Young Man And Little Boy Conversation

About ten years ago, A very successful young man was passing by a street in neighborhood in his only two month sleek and black Jaguar. He was going much faster. He was watching kids playing there and slowed down his car as he thought he saw something. As his car passed suddenly a brick sailed out and Whump!! – that brick smashed into the side door of the new shiny jaguar. Young man slammed brakes and geared into reverse, back to the place where the brick had been thrown. He jumped out of the car and pushed the kid against his parked car. He shouted, “Why did you throw bricks? What was that all about? Who are you? What are you doing? That’s my new Jaguar and that brick you threw is now gonna cost you a lot of money.” Boy pleaded, “Please sir, I am so sorry! I didn't knew what else to do! I threw brick at you because no one else would stop.” Tears came out of the boy's eyes as he pointed toward a parked car he said, “It’s my brother sir. He rolled off the curb and fel

You Will Never Lose Your Value

A very well known speaker started his seminar holding a note of Rs100. In that seminar room there were total 200 people. Now looking at the people he asked, “Who would like to have this 100rs bill (note)?” Hands started to go up. Now he said, “I will give you this but let me first do this.” then he proceeded and started to crumple the note. After crumpling phone he then asked again, “Who still wants it?” Still there were hands up in the air. “Well”, He responded. “What if i do this?” Then he dropped it on the ground and pressed it on the floor with his shoes. Now he picked it up and this time note was all crumpled and dirty, “Now who still wants it?” He asked Again there were hands up in the air. “My friends, you have all learned a very important lesson today and that is No matter what i did to this note but it doesn’t decrease the value of this bill (note) it still values 100rs.” Moral: Many times in life situation come when we drop, crumple and get dirt by making wrong de