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Showing posts with the label Kid's moral stories

Two Cats and a Monkey

  Once upon a time two cats found a piece of cheese and cut it into two pieces. But one piece was slightly bigger than the other. Both the cats wanted the bigger piece. They started to quarrel each other for the bigger piece.  A monkey sitting on the branch of the tree had watched all that happened between the two cats. "That piece of cheese looks good. I could do with it myself," he thought. Slowly he came down from the tree and walked up to the confused cats. "Oh, my dear friends! Can I help you?" asked the monkey. The cats told the monkey what the problem was and said, "Why do not you be the judge between us?" When the monkey nodded, the cats said, "Please divide this cheese for us sort out the matter.” The monkey said, "Don't worry. I'll make both the pieces equal. Then it took a bite from the bigger piece. But this made the other piece larger. So it took a bite from the other piece. This continued till the pieces became very small. S

The Honest Wood Cutter

  A poor woodcutter accidentally dropped his axe into the river. He was very upset, as he had no money to buy another axe. Just then a fairy appeared in the river holding out a golden axe to him. "I found this axe in the river. Is this yours?" "That's not mine", replied the woodcutter.  The fairy then brought out a silver axe. The woodcutter disowned this one too. Finally, the fairy held out a wooden axe. Smiling with happiness, the woodcutter said, "That's mine. Thank you very much." The fairy felt very happy seeing his honesty and said, such honesty deserves a reward. She gave the poor man all the three axes and disappeared. Moral: Honest is the best policy. Always be honest.

The Goose that Laid Golden Egg: Short story for kids

  Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden egg every day. The man took this egg to the market and sale this and get necessary things for there needs. How lucky they were and they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough. They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be more golden eggs. And they thought that if they could get all that precious eggs at a time, then they mighty rich very soon. So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird.  upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that its innards were like  that of any other goose!  MORAL: THINK BEFORE YOU ACT

Thirsty Crow Story

  There was a crow. On a  hot summer day he was very thirsty. So he flew from place to place in search of water, but he did not find it anywhere. Which made him sad and disappointed. At last he saw a pot of water. He flew down to the pot and sat on its edge. When he craned his beak to quench his thirst, he, saw to his great discouragement, that the water was just at the bottom. His beak could not reach such a low level of water. He even tried to overturn the pot but could not. It was too heavy for him to move.When he was just about to fly in despair, he thought of a plan. Suddenly his eyes fell upon some pebbles lying near the pot. He flew to them, picked up the pebbles one by one and dropped them into the pot.Slowly and gradually the level of water rose and came up to the neck. The crow was overjoyed to see this. He dipped his beak, quenched his thirst and flew away.

Short Moral Stories: The ant and the Dove

  Once upon a time a thirsty ant wants to drink water from the river.  Just then he lost his balance and fell into the water and was washed away.  A dove was to be sitting in a tree nearby and saw what happened.  He quickly plucked a leaf off the tree and threw it down into the water next to the ant.  The ant was able to climb onto the leaf and was saved his life from drowning. A while later a hunter came by with his trap.  He started setting up his trap to catch doves.  The ant knew what he was up to.  “How can I let this hunter catch the dove that saved my life?” he thought.  “I must do something!  But how can a little ant like me save my friend from a great big man?”   Then he had an idea.  He hurried across the path, climbed the man’s leg and then gave him a bite. Cried the hunter and dropped his trap.  The dove flew off. “Thank you, dear ant, for saving my life,” he called.  “I’ll never forget your kindness!”

The hare and the tortoise story

  Once upon a time there was a hare who, boasting how he could run faster than anyone else, was forever teasing tortoise for its slowness. Then one day, the irate tortoise answered back: “Who do you think you are? There’s no denying you’re swift, but even you can be beaten!” The hare squealed with laughter. “Beaten in a race? By whom? Not you, surely! I bet there’s nobody in the world that can win against me, I’m so speedy. Now, why don’t you try?” Annoyed by such bragging, the tortoise accepted the challenge. A course was planned, and the next day at dawn they stood at the starting line. The hare yawned sleepily as the meek tortoise trudged slowly off. When the hare saw how painfully slow his rival was, he decided, half asleep on his feet, to have a quick nap. “Take your time!” he said. “I’ll have forty winks and catch up with you in a minute.” The hare woke with a start from a fitful sleep and gazed round, looking for the tortoise. But the creature was only a short distance away, hav

Moral Story: The Fox and The Crow

  A crow stole a piece of fried meat from the kitchen of a rich man’s house. He flew away and sat in a tree. A hungry fox was also sitting near the tree. He saw the crow with a big piece of meat in his beak. He could not just sit quite. He wanted to eat that piece himself. So he thought of a plan to cheat him. The fox said “Good morning, dear Mr. Crow.” The crow did not answer. The fox said, “how do you do, my dear friend?” Still the crow did not greet him. He kept silent saying to him, “how can I speak. If I open my beak, the meat will fall down.” The fox did not lose heart. He kept on urging him to speak. He said to the crow, “Hello my dear. Why don’t you answer me? Why don’t you sing a sweet song? You are among the top ten singers of the world, If not the best. Everyone is so keen to hear your melodious songs” When the crow heard this, he forgot about the meat in his beak. He started singing, “Caw, caw, caw.” the piece of meat fell down on the ground. The fox took it up and ate it.

The Fox and The Grapes Story

  Once upon a time there was a fox lived in a big forest. One afternoon the fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” he thought. Taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces back and tried to reach them but still failed. Giving up finally, he looked up in contempt and said as he walked away, "Those grapes surely must be sour. I wouldn't eat them even if they were served to me on a golden dish." Moral: It's easy to despise what you cannot have.

The lion and the rabbit short story

  Long long ago there lived a cruel lion in the deep forest. It was a greedy lion and started killing all the animals in the forest. Seeing this, the animals gathered and decided to approach the lion to not killing all of them at a time. They decided that e veryday one of them should come by themselves for lion's prey.  One day, it was the turn of the rabbits. A little rabbit voluntarily agreed to go to the lion’s cave.  The rabbit was wise. It decided to take its own time to go to the Lion. The Lion was getting impatient on not seeing any animal come by and swore to kill all animals on the next day. The rabbit then went to the Lion by sunset. The Lion was angry at him. But the wise rabbit was calm and slowly told the Lion that it was not his fault. He told the Lion that a group of rabbits were came with me for your pray in the day but on the way, an angry Lion attacked and ate all rabbits. Somehow I escaped from there to reach safely. The rabbit also said that the other Lion was c

Ant and grasshopper story

  Once upon a time there was a  Grasshopper was hopping, chirping and singing  to its heart's content  in a field in hot summer's day. There was an ant staying  nearby the grasshopper’s nest. They were good friends. It was springtime and the grasshopper was having a lot of fun playing, singing, and dancing in the sun. But the ant was hard working. It was collecting food grains and storing them in its house for the winter.  The grasshopper did not understand why the ant was doing so much hard work and keeping for winter. He asked, “Hey,’ Ant! Why don’t you come outside and play with me?” The ant replied, “I cannot. I am storing food for the winter when there won’t be anything to eat!” The grasshopper only laughed at the ant and said, “Why are you worrying now? There is plenty of food!” and continued to play, while the ant worked hard.  When winter came, the grasshopper did not find a single grain of food to eat. It began to starve and feel very weak. The grasshopper saw how the

The Fox and the Stork: Moral Stories

  Once upon a time the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends. So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow dish. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it, and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking." "Pray do not apologies," said the Stork. "I hope you will return this visit, and come and dine with me soon." So a day was appointed when the Fox should visit the Stork; but when they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar.  "I will not apologies for the dinner," said the Stork. Moral : "One bad turn deserves another."

Short Story: The Bull and The Little Mouse

  It was a hot summer day. A bull was  sound asleep under a shady tree. The bull was snoring loudly while sleeping deeply. This loud noise evoked the curiosity of a little mouse passing that way. The mouse climbed up to the nose of the bull. As the bull snored, the mouse bit his nose madly for fun’s snake. But the bull woke up and snorted “Who bit me and woke me up?” The little mouse replied “Sorry Mr. Bull! I bit you playfully, but It was not my intention to wake you up”. Please excuse me for my mistake. The bull got angry. He started to chase the small creature. The mouse began to run for his life. At last he found a small hole in a stone wall. He ran into the hole and waited to see what the bull is going to do. The bull came dashing up to the wall. He was not able to catch the mouse. He roared “You silly creature! I’II teach you a lesson” and dashed against the wall. The wall was too strong for the bull. The bull heard the mouse saying “Why are you breaking your heard for a small th

Short Moral Stories: Two Goats and A Narrow Bridge

  Once there was a goat grazing on the grassy field, near a stream. It decided to taste the grass on the hills across. A narrow log served as a bridge across the stream. While crossing the bridge, it saw another goat coming from the other side. The bridge was so narrow that only one animal could cross the bridge at a time. The first goat said to the other, “Let me pass first.” “You let me pass first”, replied the other goat.  They started threatening each other and finally got into a terrible fight, so finally they lost their balance and fell into the stream. The other goats grazing on the hills saw this spectacle and learnt a lesson. After few days, two other goats faced the same problem. They happened to be on the bridge at the same time facing each other and unable to move further.  One goat said to the other, “I’ll sit down and you can step over my body.” “Thank you. Next time, I’ll sit down and let you cross first.” Thus both of them were able to cross the bridge safely.

Young Crab and His Mother Moral Story

  the-crab and his mother Once upon a time there lived a mother crab with her baby in a pond. One day, the mother crab and her baby were walking together. The baby crab was walking a little ahead of the mother. After sometimes, the mother crab said, “Oh my dear child, why do you bend towards one side when you walk?”  The baby crab turned back and looked at its mother and asked, “why Mother, what is wrong with the way I walk?” Was I am not looks good while I am walking like this? The mother crab replied, yes “It does not look good to me.” You look much better when you walk straight and forward.” The young Crab said, “This might be pretty good and true my mother. But I do not know how to walk straight. So, if you will show me how to walk straight, I will promise to do on next moment onward.”  His mother impatiently agreed and said, “Look at me carefully and you will do it later. When the mother crab tried to walk straight, it was impossible for her also to walk straight way.  She kept tr

Lion and rabbit short story

  Once upon a time there lived a lion in a deep forest. He was too rude and kills all the animals in the jungle for his mill. All animals were afraid of him. Once he said to all the animals in the forest that if one of them will come to him as his meal for the day, he would not kill anyone else among them. All the animals agreed to this. One day, it was a rabbit's turn and it took quite long reaching the lion. The lion asked it the reason for being late. It acted wisely and said, "Oh majesty! I was stopped by another lion, who was claiming to be the king of the jungle and he wants kill me. I told that I am going to meet you. Then he became furious and given me a roar. He threatens you and wants to meet you." "So I want to meet him now please take me there where he lives", said the lion with furious. The rabbit took the lion to a well and showed him his reflection in the water of the well. The lion jumped into the well to catch his opponent and drowned.  How inte

Short Story With Moral: The Tailor and The Elephant

  Once there lived a tailor in a small village. An elephant also lived in the nearby jungle. The elephant visited the tailor’s shop every day. One day he stopped at a tailor’s shop and got a dozen of banana from him. He ate it up with great joy.  The next day he stopped again in front of the shop. And the tailor again gave him a lot of bananas. This went on for several days. They lived like good friends. One day the tailor was not in a good mood. When the elephant came to his shop he pricked its trunk with a needle.  The elephant went to the river and filled his trunk with plenty of mud and dirt. He came running to the tailor’s shop. He emptied his trunk all over the tailor and his shop. The tailor was splashed with dirt.  The tailor was sorry for what he had done. But it was too late to understand his mistake. Next day, the tailor asked forgiveness from the elephant and fed him with fresh fruit and vegetables.

Moral Story about Indigo Jackal

  Once, on a dark, cold winter's night, a jackal wandered into a village looking for food. The jackal was very hungry. The winter had been long and hard, and there was no food left in the forest. 'Perhaps', said the jackal to himself, 'I will find something to eat in the village.'  The jackal soon started walking towards the village.  He began to howling and some dogs heard him.     In nature dogs did not like jackals. They began barking and growling, and attacked the jackals from all sides.  They scratched and bit the jackal with their sharp claws and big teeth. Terrified, the poor jackal ran from the dogs as fast as he could, through the dark deserted streets of the village. But the dogs did not give up - they ran after him, growling and snarling and barking even more loudly. The jackal did not know what to do. He did not dare to stop, and he knew he could not run for much longer. Suddenly he saw the wall of a courtyard before him. Without waiting to think he jump

Cow and Tiger Moral Story

  Once there was a cow lived in a small village with her calf. Her name was Baula. Baula was used to go Jungle for grazing. She was returning to her shed in the evening. When she returned her calf used to drink milk. She loved her calf very much. One day Baula has gone to forest for grazing. That day a tiger caught her on the way of the Jungle. The tiger want to kill the cow and eat. When the tiger was bought the killed the cow. The cow made a request. She told tiger that, “She got a calf at home and the calf is very hungry. If the tiger killed her right now the calf will die in hunger.” Therefore she requested the tiger to leave her for a while. So that she can give milk to her calf. The tiger listened the request of the cow and said, “It is impossible. Because if he will leave her, she will not comeback again”. Listening this cow said to the tiger, “I will come back after giving milk to my calf. The tiger listened the ardent request of Baula. He said you go but you have to return bac