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Value of Painting or Hard work

It's a story of Hard work and it’s Value of Picasso, a very famous painter born in Spain. One day when Picasso was walking through a road, a woman who was passing by the same road saw Picasso. She recognized him and ran to him. She said to him, “I'm a big fan of yours. I like your paintings very much.. Please will you make me a painting too..??” Picasso smiled at request and said, “I have nothing to paint. I am empty handed here. I will make you a painting some other time..” The Woman replied, “I don’t know if i will be able to meet you again or not.. Please make me a painting now..” On being insisted so much by women Picasso took out a small piece of paper and pen out of his pocket and began to make something on that paper. Within 10 seconds Picasso completed drawing, handed that paper to that woman and said, “Take this, it's a million dollar painting..” Women find it strange that he can make a complete drawing within 10 seconds and is saying that it would valu

Inspiring Story of Karoly Takacs

Karoly Takacs of the Hungarian Army, was top pistol shooter in the world for men’s 25 metre rapid fire pistol. He had won many national and international championships in shooting. He was preparing for the Olympics 1940 and was expected to win Gold for his nation. But one day in 1938 during his army session a hand grade exploded in his right hand, his shooting hand and  with the loss of his hand he also lost his dream of winning Gold in the Olympics. He spent a month in hospital recovering. He decided that he is not gonna feel pity and held onto his Olympics dream. He figured that he had a fully functional and healthy Left arm. He chose to explore the world of possibilities. Karoly had the will to succeed. He decided to practice shooting with his left hand. Despite the fact that he was not left-handed, he was determined to make his left hand the best shooting hand in the world. For months he practiced by himself and decided not to tell anyone. In 1939, he showed up at the N

Mathematician’s Formula for Greatest Profit

Once in a town lived a very greedy rich man. Rich man ordered a big safe and he wanted to fill it with gold and jewels. So, one day he hired a mathematician to find the best way for him to make the greatest profit in everything he did. Mathematician studied for months before he found the solution. One night, Mathematician had a big smile on his face. Next day, he went to a rich man's house and said, “I found it..! My calculations are perfect..!” Rich man didn’t have time to listen to him as he had to leave for a long journey. So he said to the mathematician,”I promise I will pay you double wages when I come back but only if you take charge of my business and put a new formula into practice.” Mathematician was very excited because of his new formula, he delightedly accepted the proposal. Months later when the rich man returned, he found that all his possessions had gone. He got furious and went to the mathematician to ask for an explanation. Mathematician calmly told him

Two Brother’s Thinking

Once in a village lived two brothers who inherited their father’s land. Land was divided between two of them equally and now both of them had separate areas for farming. As time passed, Older brother got married, had children while the younger brother never got married and was still single. One night the younger brother thought to himself, “It’s not fair that we have equal land. My brother has six children to feed and I have none. He should have more grain than I do.” So that night the younger brother went to his silo and took a large bag of wheat with him and went over to his brother’s farm silo, leaving wheat in his older brother’s silo. Younger brother returned home feeling pleased with himself. Same night my older brother was also lying awake thinking, “It’s not fair that we both have equal land. In my old age my wife and i will have our grown children to take care of us while my brother will have no one. He should have more grains to sell so that he can pro

Rent Paid in Advance

It’s story of a boy who has just finished his college and hadn’t had got any job yet and was living in a small rented room. One day his cousin came to him and asked him to help with some concepts. Boy had good hold of knowledge over that subject so boy helped his cousin without any difficulty. Soon boy by joined by some more friends for help in studies and were also willing to pay him fee for teaching them. However, House owner was not happy with all the crowd coming to his house. So he asked boy to leave that rented room or look for some place to continue his teaching activities. Boy really wanted to continue teaching as he loved that and also helped him to earn some money so he looked for another place to teach his students. By luck he found out a place. It was a big hall where a saint used to live alone. Boy went to saint and asked him for permission to use that hall for teaching his students. Saint agreed and allow him to take classes in the corner of that h

Poor Farmer’s Reaction

Once a teacher and his student went out for a walk. After walking a while they reached a farm where student saw a pair of old torn shoes which seemed to be belonged to poor farmer who was just preparing to get back to his home after a whole day of hard work. Seeing this student thought of an idea to have fun and said, “Master, We don’t we hide these shoes behind bushes and wait for farmer to come. It would be fun to watch his reaction when he will not be able to find his shoes..!! ” Teacher felt bad, looked at his student and said, “Son, it’s not good to play such cruel joke with a poor person.” Teacher thought for a moment and then with a smile on his face he said, “Son, I have a better idea.. Why don’t we just put some coins in each of his shoes and hide behind bushes and then see how farmer will react when he find these coins in his torn shoes??” Student just wanted to see reaction of poor farmer so he did what his teacher asked him to do and then they both hid behind bu

Dragon of Light or Darkness

Once in dragon land, there was a young dragon name Brad. There was a tradition in dragon land that dragons would have to chose his side and become either a dragon of light or darkness. When time comes each dragon had to chose his side and join army. All dragons would chose his side and train for years before big change but Brad was undecided and time was running out. At dawn his wings would be changed for life. Both group of dragons had hatred for each other and once wings change they will remain like that forever and dragon have to had hatred for other for rest of his life. Because if this Brad went to forest to think and in hope to find answer. While sitting there in silence he saw the beauty of night. Beautiful white full moon shimmering, cool and soft wind blowing, night full of stars. For nothing in the World did Brad want to become a dragon of light in order to hate all that wonder and he felt his wings slowly begin to dye into the color of the night. As time went by,

Way to Make Life Better

Once a man went to saint and said, “I desire to make my life better and beautiful. Please tell me Way by which I can make my Life better.” Saint had things kept beside him. He picked up some cotton, one candle and one needle from those things and gave it to man. After giving these things saint said, “Here take these.. and now you can leave..” After taking those things man left but he was still confused because he didn’t know what to do with those things. He was thinking why saint gave him those things but was not able to understand meaning of those things and how those things can help him make his life better. So, he went back to saint and said, “Maharaja, I am not able to understand why you gave me all those things?? How are these things going to help me in making my life better??” Saint smiled and said, “Each things i gave have deep meaning of their own.” Saint explained.. Cotton that i gave you, the beauty of cotton is that, It is used to make thread which is used to mak

Results of Positive Vs Negative Words

Once an eight year old boy Tom was playing in park, climbing tree and hanging around. While playing he got on top of 30 feet high tree, hanging on one of its branch and swinging back and forth. Boy was having fun and didn’t realize that branch could break. His cousin Jim, who was just year older than him was playing on same tree. He was hanging just 10 feet below branch of that tree. Tom father and Jim mother noticed that kids were up high on that tree and they could fall. Before they could get kids back, suddenly a gust of wind came over the tree and tree started to sway. Tom could hear voice of his father saying, “Tom, hold on tightly.” On the Other side Jim’s mother was saying, “Jim, Don’t fall..!!” Just in that moment they saw that Jim had fallen out of that tree and was little hurt. Tom scampered down the tree to safety. After getting home, Jim’s mother asked Tom’s dad, “Tom and Jim both were hanging from same tree but still  Jim fell from that tree and Tom didn’t. How

Pointing Others Mistake

Once a Master was sitting with his four Disciples and was them teaching a lesson. After he completed that lesson he said to his disciples, “All four of you should learn this lesson yourself and remember that no one should speak until come back. I will come back after an hour and then we will discuss about this lesson.” After saying this master left. All disciples sitting there started to read and learn that lesson. After a while sky got cloudy and it looked like it will start to rain. Seeing this one of the disciple said, “It seems like it is going to rain today.” Listening to him second disciple responded and said, “You shouldn’t have said anything as master has asked us to stay silent till he come back and now you have disobeyed him.” Third disciple said to second one, “See, now even you are speaking..!” Those three disciples spoke in master’s absence but fourth disciple still didn’t said anything and silently kept studying that lesson. After an hour master came back. As

Reason for Sharing

Story 1: Judging Others..!! Once a little girl sitting at chair and she was holding two apples in her hands. Her mother came to her and softly asked her, “Sweety, could you give your mom one apple?” Girl looked at her mom for a second and then she suddenly took a bite on one apple and just after that quickly she took a bite of another apple also which she was holding in another hand. Seeing this mother felt sad. She kept smiling as she didn’t want to reveal her disappointment. Then after a min little girl handed one of apples toward her mother and said, “Mom, Take his one. This is the sweeter one.” Suddenly mother realized her mistake of quickly judging the act of little girl wrong way. Moral: We should not Focus on the Surface and Judge others without Understanding first. We should give Other to Explain themselves first. Story 2: Helping Other Means Helping Oneself.. Once there was a farmer who used to grew excellent quality corn in his fields. He always use to

Listening to Sound of Silence

Once there was a farmer who lost his watch in barn. For farmer that lost watch had very deep sentimental value. So, he searched all over to find watch. Even after searching all, among hay and corners of barn for long he couldn’t find the watch. At last he gave up and asked the help of some children playing outside barn. He promised to reward them if they would find his lost watch. After knowing that they can get reward, children hurried inside the barn to start searching. They went through all around and all the stacks of hay lying there but couldn’t find the watch. After trying for long children were not able to find that watch. They felt tired couldn’t look for watch anymore so they left. After children left farmer was thinking to give up the thought of looking for watch. Same time a child came to him and asked farmer to give him another chance to find that lost watch. Farmer looked at him and thought for while and said, “Why not..!! Sure you can try if you want.” So, far

About Whom Do You Pray

Once a person came to a wise man Ho and asked him a question, “Is it worth praying?” Wise man Ho smiled and answered him, “Don’t ask such questions. We all pray when there is nothing left. But Now you asked i would say if you do pray then it should not be about something you need. If someone need something then that person should try to do it by himself as, it is would be worth helping God by taking some burden off him.” Person got bit confused and yet again questioned him, “What is the best way to pray?? What words should we use to pray??” Wise man answered, “I think, it’s better to pray from bottom of your heart, then you will know the words.” Then wise man said, “Can i ask you a question?” Person nodded in yes. Wise man questioned, “Everyone wants to know how to pray but no one asks about Whom??” With surprised look person replied, “It is obvious that people pray about themselves or people close to them.” Person continued and ask to wise man, “What about you?? About whom

Keeping Faith in GOD

Deep inside forest, A pregnant deer was about to give birth. She looked here and there and found a remote grass field near a river. She thought of it as a safe place and just the time she was about to go that way her labor pain begin.. Same moment, dark clouds gathered above and lightning occurred which started the forest fire. Deer looked to its left and saw a hunter approaching her with a bow pointed at her and just after that when she looked toward right side, she spots a hungry lion which was also approaching her.. Now looking at circumstances. What can pregnant deer do?? She is in labor pain!! If we think of questions.. lets think what will happen?? Will Deer survive?? Will it be able to give birth to fawn?? Will fawn survive? Or Will everything be burnt by forest fire?? Will she die of hunter’s arrow?? Will she be ate by Lion approaching her?? Pregnant deer was boxed in by nature and is predators.. What should she do??? Just than deer just focused on giving birth to a

Story of Alfred

About a hundred years ago, A man woke up and got his newspaper from the door. As he sat to read the newspaper to his horror and surprise he read his name in the obituary column. Newspapers reported the death of the person himself by mistake. Firstly he got shocked but after sometime he regained his mental state to normal and now he wanted to find out about what people had said about him “Dynamite king Died. He was a merchant of death.” That man was the inventor of dynamite. After reading this obituary he asked himself, “Is this how I want to be remembered?” He felt something inside and decided that it’s not the way he wanted to be remembered and from that day onward he started working for Peace. His name was Alfred Nobel and he is not remembered for the Great Nobel Prize. The most prestigious Peace prize given to people from different fields for their work towards peace. Moral: Whatever we have done in the past , still we can change our life and people's views towards u

The Window Story

It's the story of two men who were both seriously ill and occupied the same room at hospital. One man was next to the room's only window and allowed to get only for one hour during his treatment of lungs. Other man had to spend all day lying flat on his back. Both men talked for hours. They spoke about their wives, families, home, job, vacation. Every afternoon when men next to the room window would sit, he would pass time by describing the scenery outside the window to his roommate. The man in the other bed would love that one hour period where his world would be broadened and activities and colors of the outside world. As the man by the window described all the exquisite details of the outside world, other men would close his eyes and imagine those scenes. One afternoon a man by the window described a very beautiful parade passing by the window. In-spite the other man couldn’t hear the band but he could imagine all the things man by window described him. Suddenly

Divinity Lies Within Us

According to Hindi Legend, Once there was a time when every human being was GOD but they abused their divinity. So, one day Brahma(Creator) decided to take back divinity from Humans and decided to Hide it in some place where humans could never find it. To do this Brahma called a meeting of all Gods to decide about a place to hide the divinity. Some Said, “Let's bury it deep in Earth.” Brahma Refused saying, “Humans will dig into earth and find it.” Some Said, “Let's sink it in the deepest ocean.” Again Brahma refused and said, “Human will learn to dive and find it.” Then some suggested, “Let's take it to top of mountains.” Brahma replied, “Humans will climb up mountains and get divinity.” After so many refuse Gods gave up and said, “We don’t know where to hide divinity as eventually humans will reach places and no place left to hide.” Then Brahma thought for long and said, “We will hide it in the center of human beings, Humans will search for it here and there b

Solution of Brother’s Conflict

Once in the village lived two brothers who used to live on adjoining farms for the last 40 years. For all these years they lived happily side by side farming, sharing machinery and trading labor and goods as per need. Once they both got into conflict which started with a small misunderstanding and grew into a major difference between them. Their collaboration felt apart. It grew so serious that both started to use bitter words for each other and this ended with silence between them. Both stopped just any kind of communication between them. One day someone knocked on elder brother Jamie’s door. When he opened the door he found a person with a carpenter's toolbox. Person said to Jamie, “I am looking for some work. Perhaps you would have some small jobs. If you have any small job, maybe I can help you do it..?” Older brother thought for a while and said, “Yes, I do have a job for you.” He pointed toward the creek in the farm and said, “That’s my neighbor, My younger brother. Last week

Ultimate Sacrifice

In the 16th century, there was a nurse named Panna dai who was in service to Maharana Sangram Singh. She was responsible for taking care of the son of Raja. She used to take care of him along with her own son Chandan who was of similar age as Young Udai. Both kids used to play together. During the 2nd and 3rd decades of the 16th century a lot of trouble was faced by the kingdom and it lost Sangha as its king due to wounds sustained at battle. Sanga’s elder son’s died one after another in battle. Throne was succeeded by Vikramaditya at the young age of 14. After defeating the enemy Vikramaditya came back to continue his reign but because of the short temper of Vikramaditya, no one in his court liked him and one day because of this all nobles decided to rebel and orders were placed to arrest Vikramaditya. Now Udai singh was the only heir-elect to the throne but he was young so King’s court appointed Vikramaditya a distant brother to act as Regent. Distant brother felt that he

Everything Changes

Story 1. Once upon a time in a village lived an old farmer who used to work very hard. He had a horse. One day his horse ran away. After hearing this his neighbor came to him and said, “Such bad Luck”. Farmer replied, “Maybe.” Very Next morning the horse returned with three other wild horses with him. Again after hearing this neighbor came and exclaimed, “How wonderful.” Again Old farmer replied, “Maybe.” Following day, his son tried to ride one of the wild horses and broke his legs. Again neighbors came to offer sympathy to him. Farmer answered, “Maybe.” Next day, Military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing the old man’s son's broken leg, they didn’t draft him. Seeing this neighbor came again and congratulated the farmer on how well things turned out. Even this farmer replied, “Maybe.” We can see that farmers are practicing non-judgement. He understands the true nature of life that we can’t judge any event as an “end” in a way. Moral

Poor or Rich

Once in a village lived neighbors Ramesh and Suresh. Ramesh was a poor farmer whereas Suresh was a landlord. Ramchand used to work in farms all day and still he would seem very relaxed and happy. At night he never bothered to close the doors or windows of his house and slept soundly. He had no money, still he was happy and living a peaceful life. Whereas Suresh who was landlord used to be tense always. At night he always made sure to close the doors and windows of his house even after that he couldn’t sleep well because he used to think about getting robbed at night. He always bothered that someone might break into his house and would steal all his money. Suresh envied Ramesh because of his peaceful life. So, one day Suresh called Ramesh and gave him a bag full of cash and said, “My friend, I am blessed with plenty of wealth and i find that you are poor. I want to help you. Please take this cash and live in prosperity.” Receiving the bag Ramesh was very happy. He was joyful

Thomas Edison Childhood

One day Thomas Edison came home and gave a paper to his mother. He told his mother that his teacher gave this paper to him and said, “Give this to your mother.” His mother opened it and read the paper. After reading the paper her eyes filled with tears. Thomas asked his mother about what was written in the paper. She read the whole letter in a loud voice to her son, “Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and we don’t have enough resources and good teachers to train him. Please teach him yourself.” After many years, Now Edison’s mother died and he has become one of the greatest inventors. One day while Thomas was looking into old family things he saw a folded paper in the corner of his desk drawer. He took it and open it. He read the paper. “Your son is mentally ill and we won’t let him come to school anymore.” was written on the paper. It was the same paper which was given to him by his teacher in school to give to his mother. After reading that Edison crie

It’s Story of Little boy who Wanted to meet God

It’s Story of Little boy who Wanted to meet God. So, He packed his suitcase with Twinkies and Juice for his long trip to meet God and started his journey. About three blocks away he saw a long-haired, beard biker sitting by his motorcycle in a park relaxing amongst nature. Boy sat down next to that biker and opened his suitcase. When the boy was about to take out the twinkie from his case to eat, he noticed that the little boy looked hungry and he offered the biker a twinkie. Biker gratefully accepted it and smiled warmly at the boy. Boy found his smile so pretty that he wanted to see that smile again, so he offered juice to the biker wishing to see that smile again. Again accepting juice, the biker smiled nicely at the boy. Child was delighted. Both of them sat all afternoon there munching twinkies and drinking juice, Smiling happily but never exchanged a word. As darkness came, the boy realized that it was time to leave and got up and walked a few steps. Suddenly he turne

Fisherman and Tourist

Once in a village a tourist met a fisherman on the coast. Fisherman was going home with a catch he made for the day in the way tourists stopped him and started talking to him. Tourist: How long did it took you to catch such a type of fish? Fisherman: Not very long. Tourist: Then why didn’t you stay for more time and catch more? Fisherman: This small catch is sufficient to meet my and my family's needs. Tourist: What do you do with the rest of your time? Fisherman: I sleep late, play with my children, spend time with my family and friends. Tourist (interrupted): I have an MBA from IIM and I can help you! You should start fishing for longer hours everyday then you can sell extra fish in the market and with that money you can buy a bigger boat. Fisherman: After that? Tourist: With a bigger boat you can catch more fish and then with that extra money you can buy an even bigger boat and then a second and third boat and this way you can have an entire fleet of ships. You can t

It’s Story of Little boy who Wanted to meet God

It’s Story of Little boy who Wanted to meet God. So, He packed his suitcase with Twinkies and Juice for his long trip to meet God and started his journey. About three blocks away he saw a long-haired, beard biker sitting by his motorcycle in a park relaxing amongst nature. Boy sat down next to that biker and opened his suitcase. When the boy was about to take out the twinkie from his case to eat, he noticed that the little boy looked hungry and he offered the biker a twinkie. Biker gratefully accepted it and smiled warmly at the boy. Boy found his smile so pretty that he wanted to see that smile again, so he offered juice to the biker wishing to see that smile again. Again accepting juice, the biker smiled nicely at the boy. Child was delighted. Both of them sat all afternoon there munching twinkies and drinking juice, Smiling happily but never exchanged a word. As darkness came, the boy realized that it was time to leave and got up and walked a few steps. Suddenly he turne

Overcoming Desires

Once there was a man who had desires larger than life. He tried everything to earn money and fulfill his desires but didn’t succeed. One day he attended a satsang and followed it to follow the path of a saint. Now he became a saint and his longing for anything wasn't there anymore. He used to be mentally satisfied and happy with practices of yoga, meditation.. Once he sat for a long time and dedicated prayer to God. God was pleased by his dedication and came to him and asked him to demand anything he wanted from him. Saint replied that, “When i used to wish for things, you never gave me and now when i don’t wish for anything anymore you want me to ask you for anything i want. Now, I don't want anything.” God said, “You have conquered you senses of desire and that is what pleased me. Your desires were the only barrier between you and me. Now that obstacle of desires is no more and Your heart is pure. So, I want to give you something.” Saint thought for a while and sa

Inspiring Interview Conversation

One day a young person who was academically excellent applied for a manager's post in a big company. He passed a written exam and then a group interview. After this, the young man had to face a final interview to be taken by the company's director. In the final interview the Director looked into the young man's CV and saw that the young person did extremely well throughout his study life. Director started questioning him. Director: Did you ever obtain any scholarship in your school or college? Young man: None Director: Did your father paid for your school fees? Young man: My father passed away when i was 3, It was my mother who paid for fees. Director: Where did your mother work? Young man: Sir, my mother used to work as a clothes cleaner. Afterwards, the director asked the young man to show his hand. Young man showed his hands that were smooth and soft. After this the director questioned him again. Director: Have you ever helped your mother for washing clothes?

The Window Story

It's the story of two men who were both seriously ill and occupied the same room at hospital. One man was next to the room's only window and allowed to stay for only one hour during his treatment of lungs. Other man had to spend all day lying flat on his back. Both men talked for hours. They spoke about their wives, families, home, job, vacation. Every afternoon when men next to the room window would sit, he would pass time by describing scenery outside the window to his roommate. The man in the other bed would love that one hour period where his world would be broadened and activities and colors of the outside world. As the man by the window described all the exquisite details of the outside world, other men would close his eyes and imagine those scenes. One afternoon a man by the window described a very beautiful parade passing by the window. In-spite the other man couldn’t hear the band but he could imagine all the things the man by the window described to him. S

Reason of Old Man Happiness

Once in a village lived an Old man who used to complain about everything. He thought of himself as one of the most unfortunate people in the world. He always stayed gloomy and in bad mood. Whole village was tired of him. With passing years he became more bile and used to utter more bitter words. People were so fed up of him that they avoided him. Even people who used to be happy found it insulting to be happy next to him. Just his presence created the feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day, an incredible thing happened. Everyone heard a rumor about an old man. Rumor was – Old man is Happy today. He is not complaining about anything. He is smiling and he seems relaxed. That day, Some people from the village went to an old man and asked, “What happened to you?” Old man replied, “Nothing. For all my life I have been chasing happiness but it was useless. Today I decided to live without thinking about wanting happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why i'm happy.” Moral

Divinity Lies Within Us

According to Hindi Legend, Once there was a time when every human being was GOD but they abused their divinity. So, one day Brahma(Creator) decided to take back divinity from Humans and decided to Hide it in some place where humans could never find it. To do this Brahma called a meeting of all Gods to decide about a place to hide the divinity. Some Said, “Let's bury it deep in Earth.” Brahma Refused saying, “Humans will dig into earth and find it.” Some Said, “Let's sink it in the deepest ocean.” Again Brahma refused and said, “Humans will learn to dive and find it.” Then some suggested, “Let's take it to top of mountains.” Brahma replied, “Humans will climb up mountains and get divinity.” After so many refuse Gods gave up and said, “We don’t know where to hide divinity as eventually humans will reach places and no place left to hide.” Then Brahma thought for long and said, “We will hide it in the center of human beings, Humans will search for it here and there

Butterfly Struggle Story

One day a man found a cocoon of butterflies. He saw a small opening and sat there to watch a butterfly who was struggling to force its body through the hole. Man watched this whole process for several hours. After some hours the butterfly stopped making any progress and it seemed like it reached its limit to put effort into getting through that hole. So man decided to help it and with the help of a pair of scissors he snipped off the remaining bit of cocoon so that the butterfly could emerge from that hole easily. After removing the cocoon man sat there expecting the butterfly to fly, expanding its wings to support its body after being free from the cocoon but nothing happened. Instead he saw a swollen body and small shriveled wings. In fact, that butterfly was never able to fly again and crawled for the rest of its life. What man did was his kindness but what he didn’t understand was that the struggle that butterflies had to get through that hole was God’s way to force flu

Brooklyn Bridge

It's the story of a creative engineer named John Roebling who built the Brooklyn Bridge in New York despite all the rejections and circumstances he had to face. In 1883, Engineer John Roebling had an creative idea to build a spectacular bridge to connect New york with Long Islands. He presented his idea to experts but they thought that it was an impossible feat and asked him to forget the idea. For them it was an impractical idea as anything like this wasn’t done before. But John couldn’t let go of his vision and in his mind he knew that it could be done, He just had to share this idea with someone else. After some time he was able to convince his son (an upcoming engineer) that the bridge could be built. For the first time working together John and Washington (his son) developed the concept of how it’s going to build step by step by overcoming obstacles. With excitement and inspiration, they head towards their challenge and hire a crew to build this dream bridge. All w

Ekalavya And Dronacharya

Long-era ago, In India lived a boy named Eklavya, son of a tribal chief in the forest of the kingdom Hastinapur. Eklavya was a brave and handsome boy who was loved by all. His father saw that something was troubling him. Many times he saw his son lost in deep thought and other boys used to play and hunt for pleasure. One day the father asked his son, “Why are you so unhappy? Why don’t you play with your friends?” “I want to be a Archer. I want to be a disciple of the great guru Dronacharya, the greatest tutor of Archery in Hastinapur. His Gurukul is a magical place where ordinary boys are turned into mighty warriors.”, He replied. “I know that we belong to the hunting tribe, but I want to be a warrior, father, not a mere hunter. So please allow me to leave home and become the disciple of Dronacharya.”, He added His father knew it was not going to be easy for him but he didn't want to refuse the only wish of his son. So, father gave his blessings. Eklavya set on his way