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Showing posts from August, 2022

Young Man Lost Opportunity

It’s a story of young man who wanted to marry beautiful daughter of farmer. He went to father to ask for permission to marry his daughter. Farmer looked at him and said, “I will allow you to marry my daughter but you have to full fill one condition.” Further he continued and told him condition, “Son go out and stand out in field. A am going to release three bulls one at a time and you have to grab tail of any of three bulls. if you can catch tail of any one of three bulls then you can marry my daughter.” Young man went to field and stood there waiting for bulls to be released. The barn door opened and came out one of the biggest bull he had ever seen. So he decided to let this one go and wait for second bull. So he went over to side and let bull pass through. Again next time barn opened for second bull. This one was bigger and even more fierece than previous bull. This time again boy thought that may be next one could be better choice so he ran to side and let bull pass thr

Who is Wealthy

Once a saint visited a town for some days. During his stay the saint would pray silently sitting under a tree. People got to know about him and would come to visit him to ask for solutions for their problems. In that town lived a very wealthy merchant. After observing the saint for a few days, was deeply touched by the saint's devotion and sincerity. One day a wealthy man went to a saint and offered him a bag of gold saying, “I know you will use this money for the good of others.. Please accept it..” Saint replied, “Please wait a moment. I am not sure if it would be right for me to take your money….” Saint questioned, “Are you wealthy?? Do you have more money at home??” Merchant proudly replied, “Yes.. I have thousands of more gold coins at home..” Saint again questioned, “Do you want thousands of more gold coins??” Merchant replied, “Why not.. I work hard everyday to earn more money..” Saint questioned, “Do you wish for yet thousands more gold pieces beyond that..?” Merchant repli

Shark in the Tank - Never Give Up

For research some marine biologist started to do an experiment. For this they place a Shark into large tank and then released several small fishes in the same tank. As shark and fished were left in tank after sometime shark swam around and attacked around and ate all the small fishes. Now, next time biologist inserted a strong piece of clear fiber glass in middle of tank creating to separate partitions one for small fishes and other for shark alone. Now again as sharks and fishes were left, shark started to attack but this time shark slammed into the fiber glass inserted in the tank. However the shark kept repeating this behavior again and again. Meanwhile all the small fishes used to swam around it unharmed behind the fiber glass. Eventually after some hour shark gave up and stopped attacking. Same experiment was repeated for several days. Biologist noticed change in behavior of shark. Now, shark was less aggressive and made lesser attempt to attack small fishes. With time shark simpl

Three Rich Man and Their Kindness

Once upon a time there was a village which was facing great poverty. One day three rich men and their servants were traveling on the same road, on their way they came to this poor village. Seeing the poverty of village all the three men thought of helping the people of village. The first man couldn’t see their poverty so he took all the gold and silver from his wagons and shared them among villagers. He wished them all the best and left. Second rich man seeing poverty and condition of village decided to help them. So he gave away all his food and drink as he thought that money couldn’t be of much use to them. He made sure that each one in village get fair share and get enough food that would last for time. Then he left. Third rich man, after seeing the poverty of villagers speed-ed up and traveled straight through the village without stopping. Other two rich men saw this from distance and commented with each other that how third rich man lacked decency and compassion and it was good th

Story of Two Pebbles

Many years ago there was a small village, there a farmer was owing a large some of money to village moneylender. Due to misfortune farmer was unable to pay the amount. Moneylender always fancied farmers daughter so he purposed a bargain. He said he would forget farmer’s debt if he could marry farmer’s daughter. Both farmer and his daughter were horrified by this proposal. So, Moneylender suggested a way to decide the matter. He suggested that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag and then girl have to pick one pebble from the bag. Condition set was – If she picked black pebble the she would become moneylender’s wife and farmer’s debt would be forgiven and If she pick white pebble then she doesn’t need to marry moneylender and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. She wasn’t left with option to refuse to pick a pebble as if she does so, then her father would be thrown into jail. On the day of decision all were standing on a pebble strewn path. As mo

God’s Reply to Lazy Farmer Story

Once in a village, it was raining whole night. Roads in that village were muddy and there were pot holes in the way and due to rain they were filled to brim. Next day, Manu ( the farmer ) had to go to market early to sell his goods. For horses it was really difficult to drag load on the deep muddy way to reach market. Suddenly the wheel of the cart got stuck in the mud. The more he pulled horse, deeper the wheel sank. Farmer came down from the seat and stand behind his cart. He looked around but couldn’t find anyone to help him. He didn’t made the slightest effort to lift up the cart and get wheel out of mud. Instead cursing his bad luck, he felt sad and defeated. Looking up at the sky, he started shouting at God, “I am so unlucky! Why has this happened to me? Oh God, come down to help me.” After a while, God finally appeared before him and asked him, “Do you think you can move the cart by simply looking at it and whining about it? Nobody will help you unless you make some effort to he

Grasshopper And Ants Story

One sunny day in winter, a Grasshopper was enjoying the warm sunlight but he was feeling very hungry. So, he was looking around to find something to eat but he could find anything to eat. Suddenly he saw ants carrying their food to their hole. After seeing this for a while he went up to the ants and asked, “Can you give me some grains as i am very hungry and haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.” One of the ants said, “We worked whole summer to collect the food for winter. What were you doing whole summer? Why didn’t you store up food for winters?” Grasshopper replied, “I spent all summer singing and hooping so i couldn’t store anything.” Then ant chucked out a smile and remarked, “then dance the winter away.” Grasshopper went away hungry and sad. Moral: Work is Worship. We should work hard for better future.

Mother’s Love for Her Son

There was a Kid who lived with his mother. Kid used to hate her mother because she had only one eye. He used to feel embarrassed. Mother used to work as a cook to support the family and his kid's studies. One day mother went to kid school to meet him but the kid was so embarrassed. He thought to himself, “How could she do this to me?”. He ignored her and ran out. Next day a boy from kids class commented to him, “EEE, your mother has only one eye!!” Kid was so embarrassed that he wanted his mother to disappear. That day after reaching home confronted his mother and said, “Because of you people make fun of me. Why don’t you die?” Even after listening to this his mother didn’t respond. All his childhood kid just thought of getting out of that house anyhow. So, he studied hard and got a job abroad. There he got married, had kids and  all the comforts and was very happy with his life away from his mother. One day his mother came to visit him. She hadn’t seen him since he lef

The Fat Lady Story

Story of a guy who met a very healthy woman in flight. Squeezing herself into the seat she smiled and said, “Hi, how are you? Not in the mood to talk to any stranger he ignored. The Woman repeated her greeting in a friendly voice, leaning toward the guy forcing him to look at her. Guy replied with, “Hi.” with the intention of avoiding further talk. Guy turned away and stared out of the cabin. Again the woman nudged and said, “My name is Laura. I am from Britain. Where are you from?” “Malaysia” ,Guy replied rudely. She continued to chat, “Please accept my heartfelt apology. I am sorry. This is gonna be a long flight so we should be friends, Don’t you think?” Ignoring the unfriendly behavior of the guy. She started to talk about her trip and how excited she was about the trip. Her such liveliness made the guy lower his guards. With passing time he realized that she was charming and made everyone smile around her. During conversation, She managed to make every crew member laug

Saint Solution to Man

A person had to go a round a river to reach his home. it was trouble some for him to go through long way. The flow of river was to much to swim through it and man was scared to swim through it. So, he went to a Saint and told him about this situation. The saint gave him a paper and told him to keep it in pocket while crossing the river and he will not Sink in the river but remember not to open that paper. Man understood that and did that. To his surprise he could pass river without sinking in it. Now, it was easier for him to reach home. One day man decided to see what’s there in the paper so before going into river he opened that paper it was written, “In The Name of God”. Reading this man realized this was just ordinary piece of paper and simple sentence written on it. After reading it he went in to river but this time he got carried away with the flow of river. This happened because before reading it he believed that there is some power helping him but as he read it he t

Young Man And Little Boy Conversation

About ten years ago, A very successful young man was passing by a street in neighborhood in his only two month sleek and black Jaguar. He was going much faster. He was watching kids playing there and slowed down his car as he thought he saw something. As his car passed suddenly a brick sailed out and Whump!! – that brick smashed into the side door of the new shiny jaguar. Young man slammed brakes and geared into reverse, back to the place where the brick had been thrown. He jumped out of the car and pushed the kid against his parked car. He shouted, “Why did you throw bricks? What was that all about? Who are you? What are you doing? That’s my new Jaguar and that brick you threw is now gonna cost you a lot of money.” Boy pleaded, “Please sir, I am so sorry! I didn't knew what else to do! I threw brick at you because no one else would stop.” Tears came out of the boy's eyes as he pointed toward a parked car he said, “It’s my brother sir. He rolled off the curb and fel

You Will Never Lose Your Value

A very well known speaker started his seminar holding a note of Rs100. In that seminar room there were total 200 people. Now looking at the people he asked, “Who would like to have this 100rs bill (note)?” Hands started to go up. Now he said, “I will give you this but let me first do this.” then he proceeded and started to crumple the note. After crumpling phone he then asked again, “Who still wants it?” Still there were hands up in the air. “Well”, He responded. “What if i do this?” Then he dropped it on the ground and pressed it on the floor with his shoes. Now he picked it up and this time note was all crumpled and dirty, “Now who still wants it?” He asked Again there were hands up in the air. “My friends, you have all learned a very important lesson today and that is No matter what i did to this note but it doesn’t decrease the value of this bill (note) it still values 100rs.” Moral: Many times in life situation come when we drop, crumple and get dirt by making wrong de

Why We Shout in Anger

A Hindu saint was visiting the river Ganga to take bath. There he found a group of Family on the banks shouting at each other in anger. After seeing this Saint turned towards his disciples smiled and asked, “Tell me Why do people Shout at Each other?” All the disciples thought for a while and then one of them said, “it’s because we lose our calm.” “But, Why does a person shout at a person who is just next to him? That person can tell him whatever he has to say to the person he is angry with in a soft manner.” Said Saint. Again the disciples gave many other answers but not any of these answers could satisfy the saint. Then Saint explained, “When two people get angry at each other, their Hearts are at a lot of distance. To cover that distance they need to shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they have to shout at each other to cover that distance.” Saint continued, “What happens when people fall in Love? They don’t shout at each other and ta

Japanese Fishing Co. Solution:

How Resources, Skills and Abilities Make a Difference. The Japanese loved fresh fish but for decades close by water has not held many fishes. So to feed the Japanese population, Fishing boats got bigger and went further and further than before. Further the fisherman went for fishing, the more time it took them to bring back the fish. Because it took a lot of time to get back after catching fish, the fish were not fresh and didn’t taste good. Now, to solve this problem, fishermen started to install freezers on their boats. So that after catching fishes they could freeze them at sea and this allowed fishermen to go further and stay longer to catch more fishes. However, Japanese could taste the difference and they didn’t like frozen fish. This made Fishing company think for a solution and installed fish tanks in their boats. Now, they would catch the fishes and stuff them in tanks. After little thrashing around these fishes were tired, dull and lost their freshness. This led f

Life is Beautiful Live it to the Fullest

Once upon a time in a small village lived a very wise man. He was head of local administration and was respected by all. People used to come to him at times to seek good advice on different aspects of life. But ironically his own son was lazy and nothing was there to make a difference in his ignorant attitude. As years passed by, the old man got worried about his son's future. To take care of family he needed to make his son realize his responsibility. So one day he asked his only son to come to him and said, “Son, you are a grown up man now, and need to understand your responsibilities.” Surprised and amazed by his father's words he said, “Father how will i manage without you. I will be lost without you.” Now his father replied, “I want you to find the real purpose of your life and when you find it, always remember it and it will lead you to life to happiness and joy.” Next day, his father gave him a bag. When son opened it there were 4 pairs of clothes for each se

Trust in God

A man who just got married was retuning home with his wife. As they were on their way back home crossing a lake in a boat, suddenly a great storm arose. The man was warrior and calm but his wife was very much afraid. She seemed almost hopeless. The boat on which they both were going was very small and the storm that came was really huge. At any moment they could have been drowned in the storm. As much as the wife was afraid, Husband was sitting silently, calm and quiet as if nothing was happening. Wife was trembling and said to her husband, “Are you not afraid? This may be the last moment of our life. It doesn’t look like we are gonna make it to shore. At this moment only miracle can save us otherwise we are dead.” She continued and shouted, “Are you mad? Are you stone? Aren’t you afraid?” After listening to wife , the man laughed and took his sword out of its sheath. Now wife was even more puzzled. What was he doing? Then the husband bought the naked sword very close to th

Blind King’s Challenge to Painter

Very long ago, a one-eyed king was ruling a country. He was fond of arts and crafts. He generously rewards the great artists, poets and craftsmen. However, he was stuck with one major habit. He never liked any person who used to praise him falsely! Simply, he was a man of truth and wanted his people to be true. The king was born with one eye. He had vision on his right eye and the space for left eye was simply closed with the skin! One day, he wanted to get himself painted and made an announcement. After filtering the talented artists, the king asked three men to draw his face. He told them, ‘If you do an impeccable job, I will reward you with something you won’t even earn in your lifetime! If not, you will be severely punished!’ All the three agreed and started to sketch his face. The first artist showed the painted picture of the king. The king felt bad as the picture showed that one of the eyes was shown blind, though he drew both eyes. The artist was sentenced to impris

Mirror in Coffin

One day all the employees of a company saw a note on the door. “The person who has been hindering the growth of your company passed away yesterday. You all are invited to the funeral that has been prepared in the company gym.” Was written on note. After reading the note, all employees got sad for the deceased colleague but after a while all got curious to know about the person who has been hindering the growth of the company and colleagues. Because of curiosity all the employees came and security was ordered to control the crowd in the room. Everyone thought that, “Whoever was the guy was hindering the growth so its well at least only he died.” One by one each employee got a chance to look inside the coffin but as they looked inside the coffin they got speechless as if someone/ something had touched the deepest part of their soul. There was a mirror inside the coffin, when everyone looked inside they saw the reflection of himself. There was a sign placed next to the mirror

Do Good Have Good

One day a man saw an old lady, standing on the side of the road and he could see that she needed some help. So he stopped right in front of her Mercedes and got out. Old lady saw the man even with a smile on her face, she seemed worried. Man could see that she was frightened. Introducing himself he said, “Mam, i am Andy and am here to help. Why don’t you wait in the car?” Lady had a flat tire and it was bad enough for an old lady. Andy crawled under the car and started to fix the tire. As he was tightening up the nuts, the Old lady rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn’t thank him enough for coming to her aid. He just smiled and completed his work. Lady asked, “How much I owe you.” She was ready to pay any amount as she already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Andy replied, “I never thought of getting paid. It was not a job for me, I wa

Strength And Weakness

A Little boy who was just 10 years old lost his left arm in an accident. Despite that, he decided to learn Judo. He started his lessons with an old Japanese master. The boy was learning well. One thing that bothered him was that it’s been three month and his master had taught him only one move. “Sensei(Teacher in Japanese) Shouldn’t i be learning more moves?” Boy asked “This is the only move you will ever need to know” Sensei replied Boy didn’t understand that but believing his teacher he kept training hard. After several months, Sensei took the boy to his first tournament. To the surprise of the boy he easily won the first two matches with his only move. Third match was a bit more difficult than the first two. Still, the boy was able to win the match. Amazed by his success, Boy was now in the finals. In the final match the opponent seemed to be much bigger and stronger compared to the boy. Concerning that this match might hurt the boy, the referee called a time-out. As the

Little Girl Necklace

Menu is a sweet, lovable and beautiful girl, aged six years. She is an adorable kid as she obeys every word of the elders. Menu’s parents loved her for her amazing behavior. One day her mother took her to go grocery shopping. As they passed the shops, Menu noted a cute plastic pearl necklace in dazzling pink! She asked her mother to buy her the necklace. Her mother told her it cost a few pennies and she asked her to do some chores, so that for every completed work Menu will get some money and she could buy the pink necklace. Menu prepared a to-do list and assisted her mom with all the chores. Her mom was so happy and she paid enough money to buy the pink necklace. Menu happily purchased the desired necklace and wore it just everywhere, every time, except while taking a bath. Her mom told that her neck would turn pink and the pearls would lose its sheen if she wore it while bathing. She wore it even while sleeping. Menu was known for her kindness and respect to elders. Her d

Balloons in Room - Teamwork

A group of employees was working in a software company. It was a team of 30 employees. This was a young, energetic and dynamic team with keen enthusiasm and desire to learn and grow. The management decided to teach the employees about finding real solutions to the problems. The team was called to play a game in a banquet hall. The group was quite surprised as they were called to play a game. All reached the venue holding various thoughts. As they entered the hall, they found the hall decorated beautifully with colorful decorative papers and balloons all over the place. It was more like a kid’s play area, than a corporate meeting hall. Everyone was surprised and gazed at each other. Also, there was a huge box of balloons placed at the center of the hall. The team leader asked everyone to pick a balloon from the box and asked them to blow it. Everyone happily picked a balloon and blew it. Then the team leader asked them to write their names on their balloon, carefully so that

Two Travelers in Desert

There was a big tree more than hundred years old located in the middle of a dry land. It gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers. The tree was located at the center of four different towns, acting as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area. However, except for the big old tree, there was no other tree that could offer rest to the people. The tree has a huge and broad trunk with innumerable branches which spread the shadow covering a wide space. One day, two travelers were traveling from a distant place and tried to reach a town located at the east of the tree. They were walking for several miles on a hot and sunny day. They started their journey early in the morning and it was almost mid noon. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore due to the heat. They were completely exhausted! Fortunately, they reached the place where the tree was located. They were very happy to see such a big tree with the breezy wind. They deci

Bag of Gold Coins

Rohan was a greedy and selfish man. He always desired to have lots and lots of wealth and never hesitated to cheat others to earn money. Also, he never wished to share anything with the others. He was so selfish that he would like to own everything for himself.  The selfish man used to calculate each and every small aspect. He paid a very little amount of wages to his servants. Wherever he went, he calculated a lot to save money by deceiving others. He also told a lot of lies to protect his wealth. Simply, Rohan was the antonym for the word HONESTY. However, he was taught a nice lesson by his own act. One day, he missed a small bag, which contained 50 gold coins. He was searching for the bag of gold coins day and night. He sent his workers in search of the bag, but none could find it. He told his friends and neighbors that he had lost a bag of gold coins and requested them to inform if they found it. Rohan was so sad that he had lost so many gold coins. After a couple of da

Life Worth Living

It was a hot and dry summer. The beach was crowded with the people as they gathered to beat the heat. There were so many people, from kids to aged people, enjoying the ambiance at the beach. There was a group of 20 boys aged between 12 to 15 years trying to be adventurous. They intended to hire a yacht, but due to tides, the yacht rides were prohibited on that day. Still, the boys were enjoying the sea the most. Suddenly the boys challenged themselves about racing in the sea. The one who swims and moves farther in the sea wins the race and deserves a huge treat from the group. The boys agreed, except a few. A boy in the group warned them not to play with danger, as the waves weren’t constant, they fluctuated. Some didn’t hear their warnings and started their race. Suddenly, the waves from the sea elevated and few boys in that young group struggled to manage themselves to reach the shore. However, three boys, who considered themselves very brave, decided to move deep into th

The Rock in the Road

It was the reign of King Paul. People lived happily under his reign. He was so conscious about keeping them happy and considered the people in his reign as his own family. He took utmost care to fulfill every need of his fellowmen. However, often, King Paul used to hear tantrums from his court men that people in his kingdom are bullying him for various reasons and seem to be dissatisfied for nothing. He decided to find out what made his fellowmen feel displeased. One day, he decided to take a round to examine what the people were concerned about him. He started his travels to visit the towns and cities in disguise. He could not see any men unhappy and this made the king so happy. It was half way through the journey and he was delighted to see happy men. He decided to place a huge Rock on the mid of the road to test the people who pass by the road. His soldiers placed a huge rock on the road and all of them hid in the nearby place to watch what happened next. The rock almost

Hard Work vs Smart Work

In a town, every year an annual lumberjack competition was held. The rule for the competition was simple: whoever cut the most trees on the day would be the winner. This year there were only two people in the final. One was old and experienced lumberjack while another was younger and stronger. Young man was full of enthusiasm and as the final competition started he went off into the woods and set to work straight away. Older lumberjack went to the opposite side of the woods and started his work calmly. During competition, Younger lumberjacks could hear sound from the other side of the forest where older lumberjacks were cutting trees. He could hear the sound of trees falling on the older man's side. Young man noticed that at regular intervals, the sound of falling trees would stop from the older man's side. Younger man took from this that the older lumberjack was taking rest after regular intervals to get his stamina back. Younger man took it as an opportunity and t

Tiger’s Whisker

Once upon a time lived a couple on countryside. Husband was very loving soulmate before he left for wars but ever since he returned he became very angry and unpredictable. His nature became so scary that his wife was scared to live with her. There was a Hermit who used to live there and people would go to him to find a solution for their problem. Wife went to hermit for advice. As she approached Hermit, he said, “What’s your problem??” Wife explained the situation. Hermit replied, “Hmm.. It’s often when soldiers return from the war. What do you want me to do??” Wife replied instantly, “Make me a portion.. or a drink.. whatever it takes to get my husband the way he used to be before going to war..” Hermit replied, “Young woman, your request is unusual. I need some time to think and look if there is any solution. Come back tomorrow.” Next day in morning Wife went back to Hermit’s place. Hermit greeted her with a smile and said, “Young woman there is good news for you.. There

Old Man and his Son

Once an old man living in a small village was invited by his son to visit Mumbai who was a successful businessman living with wife and son there. Old man was a bit scared to go to the city as he had spent most of his life at his birthplace in the village. He only knew his local language and wouldn’t understand Hindi or English much. Also Old men were habitual to wearing traditional clothes like dhoti kurta. Yet he was happy that he would get to spend a few days with his son and family. He thought to himself, “It’s OK. I will spend the best time with my son.” On a decided day, an old man came to Mumbai. His son received him and was very much excited about his father's visit. Son and his wife wanted to show him around the city. His son would take him out to the nearest place and there they would have their favorite drinks. Son would take his father to visit various places and all had lots of fun. Old man had a very good time with family and was very happy. In the last week of the old

Rich Lady Complain

Once a rich lady complained to his psychiatrist, “I feel like my whole life is empty and it has no meaning.” Listening to this her psychiatrist called over an old lady in his office. He then introduced that old lady to a rich lady. Psychiatrist said, “She is Mary, a lady who cleaned office floors. I am going to ask her to tell you how she found happiness. All you have to do is listen to her carefully. Then the psychiatrist requested the old lady to sit there and share her story with the rich lady. Old lady sat on a chair and started to tell her story, “Three months ago, my husband died of malaria and three months later my only son was killed in a car accident. I had nothing to live and had nothing left with me. I was not able to sleep or even eat anything after this. I stopped smiling and even thought about taking my own life. Then one day I found a kitten following me from work to home. When I saw that kitten I felt sorry for her. It was cold outside so I decided to let her in and gav

Old Lady Reply to Nurse

A 90 year old lady had lost her husband and now had to move to a nursing home. So the day she had to move to the nursing home in the morning she woke up early and got dressed properly with perfectly applied makeup. She was ready to move to a nursing home. Cab was called to take her to a nursing home. She got into the cab and reached the nursing home. After reaching the nursing home she was asked to wait in the nursing home lobby. She waited patiently for many hours. She smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator nurse gave her a brief visual description of her room including colors of sheets on the window. After hearing just the description she replied with enthusiasm, “I love it.” Nurse was surprised to hear her reply and responded, “But you haven’t even seen your room yet… Just wait until you see your room.” She replied, “That doesn’t have anything to do with it. Happiness is something that you decide. It doesn’t depend on ho

Kid Reply to his Father

Once in a village lived father and son. Every night before going to bed, the father used to tell interesting stories to his son. One day father told him, “Son.. God is omnipresent. He can see everything everywhere. Nothing is hidden from him.” Son asked, “Father.. you say God is present everywhere but i am not able to see him anywhere..” Father replied, “Son.. We can’t see God but he is everywhere and can see everyone and everything they do..” Months passed by and a severe famine happened in the village. Due to which Father’s fields were rendered barren and he had nothing to sell in the market. So he decided to go to his neighbors farm and steal. When the father went out to steal, he set along with his son and entered his neighbor’s field. He instructed his Son to sit on a branch of tree to keep watch and signal if he sees someone coming towards the farm. Now as soon as the father sat there to gather the crop his son called him and said, “Hold on father..!!” Father question

Price of Necklace

After the death of a jeweler, his family got into financial trouble. They didn’t have much money left for even buying food. So one day, the Jeweler's wife took one of the sapphire necklaces out of the safe and said to her son, “Son, take this necklace to your uncle’s shop and ask him to give you money in exchange for this necklace.” Boy went to his uncle with that necklace and gave it to him. Uncle took that necklace and looked at it carefully and said, “Son, go to your mother and tell that right now the market is not good. She can sell it later when you can get a better price for this necklace.” Then his uncle gave him some money and asked him to come next day and learn to work with him and this way he can also earn money to support family needs. The next day the boy started to come to his uncle’s shop and learn the art of examining jewels and precious stones. After some time he got really good at examining jewels and soon people from even far areas started